Song Huang

Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University


E315, (New) Physics Building,

Tsinghua University

Beijing 100084, China

shuang [at]

This website is like my career. It is still (and probably will always be) under construction!!

My name is Song Huang (黄崧). I am an associate professor (but I am still not tenured…fingers crossed) at the Department of Astronomy at Tsinghua University, China. You can find my CV here or check out my Github profile.

My primary research interest is the observational study of galaxy evolution and galaxy-halo connection. Most of my works take advantage of today’s multi-band imaging data, spectroscopic surveys, and hydrodynamic simulations to probe the structure assembly and star formation history of different classes of galaxies. I have a group of excellent students at Tsinghua now, and we welcome collaborations!

My recent works focus on the most massive (elliptical) and most abundant (dwarf galaxies) galaxies in our universe. Using weak gravitational lensing and statistical modeling techniques, I aspire to deepen our understanding of galaxy-halo connection models and explore their applications in observational cosmology.

I am a member of the Subaru Strategic Program (SSP) using the Hyper-Suprime Camera (HSC) on the 8.2-meter Subaru Telescope and the Merian Survey - an intermediate-band survey of the HSC footprint using the Dark Energy Camera (DECam). Recently, I have also joined the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) spectroscopic survey project.

At Tsinghua, we are building an ambitious 6.5-meter telescope called MUltiplexed Survey Telescope (MUST) for the next-generation spectroscopic survey. I am currently the co-project scientist helping organize MUST’s scientific collaboration.

I am always happy to discuss science and collaborate with people. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my research or have any questions.


Highlight Publications


  1. Reaching for the Edge I: probing the outskirts of massive galaxies with HSC, DECaLS, SDSS, and Dragonfly
    Jiaxuan LiSong HuangAlexie Leauthaud, and 9 more authors
    MNRAS, Oct 2022
  2. The outer stellar mass of massive galaxies: a simple tracer of halo mass with scatter comparable to richness and reduced projection effects
    Song HuangAlexie Leauthaud, Christopher Bradshaw, and 7 more authors
    MNRAS, Oct 2022


  1. Weak lensing reveals a tight connection between dark matter halo mass and the distribution of stellar mass in massive galaxies
    Song HuangAlexie LeauthaudAndrew Hearin, and 9 more authors
    MNRAS, Mar 2020


  1. A detection of the environmental dependence of the sizes and stellar haloes of massive central galaxies
    Song HuangAlexie LeauthaudJenny Greene, and 6 more authors
    MNRAS, Oct 2018
  2. Individual stellar haloes of massive galaxies measured to 100 kpc at 0.3 < z < 0.5 using Hyper Suprime-Cam
    Song HuangAlexie LeauthaudJenny E. Greene, and 5 more authors
    MNRAS, Apr 2018
  3. Characterization and photometric performance of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Software Pipeline
    Song HuangAlexie Leauthaud, Ryoma Murata, and 9 more authors
    PASJ, Jan 2018


  1. Fossil Evidence for the Two-phase Formation of Elliptical Galaxies
    Song HuangLuis C. HoChien Y. Peng, and 2 more authors
    ApJl, May 2013
  2. The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey. III. The Three-component Structure of Nearby Elliptical Galaxies
    Song HuangLuis C. HoChien Y. Peng, and 2 more authors
    ApJ, Mar 2013